Quick and Easy Electric Window Repair in Bushnell IL

Not only is it inconvenient to have a driver’s door or passenger door window not work, but it’s dangerous too. If you were to find yourself in an accident where your window was the only way out, you’d be in trouble. Thankfully, there are plenty of solutions to fix a broken electric window, and Glass Specialty WLC can help you out. We are experts when it comes to electric window repair in Bushnell IL.
From the glass panes in a storefront to the windshield of your car, Glass Specialty WLC is one of the area’s leading experts in glass repair and replacement. We understand how problematic cracked or chipped glass can be. And, if not appropriately addressed, your glass situation can go from bad to worse! That’s why we can meet you where you need our services, so you don’t risk further breakage. And for more serious repairs and replacements, we can get the job done quickly in shop.
Problems Your Electric Window May Have
It might not be immediately apparent to you that your electric window needs repair. However, it’s important to be aware of the signs of a malfunctioning window, so you can bring your vehicle to a technician before it gets any worse.
- Making Strange Sounds
- You may begin to notice your window making strange sounds. For example, you may hear the electric motor grinding to push your window up or down. This is an apparent sign of future window failure. Your electric window may work for now, but your electric window will only continue to support it for so long. Before it gets any worse, bring it to our shop for immediate repair.
- Having Difficulty Moving
- Does your window move slower than you remember it? Or, does it reach a point where it nearly gets stuck in the frame? While the issue can still be the electric motor attached to your automatic window, it may also be incorrectly fitted to your door. If your window was knocked around, whether due to a direct impact or an accident, you’ll want one of our technicians to fit it back into place.
- Cracks and Chips
- While not directly related to the electric components of your window, cracks and chips in the glass are just as dangerous a problem as anything else. Sudden weather changes or additional pressure can cause cracks and chips to expand, compromising the safety and integrity of your window. All it takes is a stray rock while driving down the highway or debris flung from a lawnmower to do damage to your windows.
What Can We Fix?
As glass experts throughout Central Illinois, Glass Specialty WLC does more than electric window repair in Bushnell IL. We repair, restore and replace the glass products you need most throughout your daily life. For example, we service:
- Auto Glass
- Windshields
- Mirrors
- Electric Windows
- Classic Cars
- Auto Glass

- Residential Glass
- Shower and Tub Enclosures
- Windows and Doors
- Glass Products
- Commercial Glass
- Store Fronts
- Commercial Entrances
- Glass Shelves and Tabletops
Call Our Office
Glass Specialty WLC is available for your electric window repair in Bushnell IL, and the surrounding communities. Call us today at 309-228-2638 to request a quote. Also, our Galesburg office is located at 124 W Piper St, Macomb, IL 61455.